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2016 Summer Workshop on Health Economics

Jun 2016

Date:Sunday, June 05, 2016


Venue:Room 604, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University

              (No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan(R.O.C))


Organizer:Taiwan Society of Health Economics


Co-Organizer:Department of Economics, National Taiwan University

                            Taiwan Studies Center, College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University
                            Department of Health Care Management, Chang Gung University


地址: 112304 臺北市北投區立農街2段155號 醫學二館2樓201室

Address: Room 201, 2nd Floor, Medical Building ll, No. 155, Sec. 2, Linong St. Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112304, Taiwan (R.O.C)



Taiwan Society of Health Economics


Telephone: 02-2826-7000 #65224

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